Postpartum Services


Ayurveda for Postpartum

Ayurveda is considered by many to be the oldest healing science, originating in India more than 5,000 years ago.  In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life” and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.” It stems from the ancient Vedic culture and was taught for thousands of years in an oral tradition from accomplished masters to their disciples.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of three energies or doshasvata which consists primarily of air and space, pitta which consists of fire and water, and kapha which consists of water and earth. The vata dosha is responsible for metabolic functioning, regulating the nervous system and governs all movement throughout the body including the process of childbirth.  Immediately following childbirth, the vata dosha increases due to the void left in the body with the loss of energy, fluids, blood and of baby and placenta no longer occupying the abdomen. This empty “space” increases the air and ether elements in the body which manifests as anxiety, dryness, gas, constipation, bloating, fatigue, hypersensitivity and interrupted sleep. 

The key to postpartum care is to calm the vata dosha through introducing nutrition, herbs, routines, and massage which bring the qualities of nourishment, support and grounding. The intention of postpartum care is to rebuild and strengthen both mother and baby so both can experience more harmonious cyclical changes and also have a gentler recovery and healing time.


 The Main Pillars of Postpartum care



One of the main pillars of Ayurvedic postpartum care is the importance of the right types of foods that will best support a woman to her full recovery as well as to eliminate foods that can be aggravating and not yet supported by her digestion.  In the beginning weeks, there is an emphasis on very moist soups, broths, congees, nourishing grains, ghee, spices, split mung beans and root vegetables. As the weeks progress and agni builds, different food groups are slowly added in as tolerated which will ensure proper digestion and vital energy is given to the cells of mother and baby.



Immediately following birth, a woman’s agni or digestive fire is severely weakened. Proper herbs and spices must be given in order to rekindle her digestion to ensure that she can properly digest the foods she is being given. According to Ayurveda, the vital energy of food takes from 5-7 days to be broken down and made into tissue. There are said to be seven types of tissues in the body and each one taking an additional 5-6 days to be created, hence the importance of the first 35-42 days of care.  Digestive fire is what aids the transformation of food into vital energy or prana in the body, which will of course also be given to the baby if a woman is breastfeeding.

Excess vata after childbirth also leads to dryness in the colon and frequently causes constipation and difficulty with bowel movements.  For this reason, there is a strong emphasis on creating soft regular bowl movements as soon as possible. This is done through incorporating foods that are moist, warm and slightly oily. Hydration is crucial for a woman during this window and in particular if she is breastfeeding.



Specific herbs are given to encourage breastmilk production, enkindle agni, encourage healthy digestion, eliminate excess vata from the pelvic region, as well as herbs that help tone and nourish the nervous system and deeper reproductive organs.


Massage (Abhyanga)

Excess vata can also lead to fatigue, muscle pain, insomnia and anxiety. Some of the most common ways vata is pacified postpartum are to create an environment which is soft, loving, nourishing and calm. Daily oil massage known as Abhyanga helps to reduce fatigue, calms the mind and emotional body. All seven tissue layers will absorb the soft, warm, moist, heavy and oily qualities needed to reestablish balance.


 Packages and Rates

Full day: 6 hours


  • Two prepared meals, snacks and beverages

  • Herbal teas

  • Ayurevedic postpartum massage

  • light household cleaning or tidying up

  • Infant massage instruction

  • Belly wrapping instructions

  • Daily check in and emotional support


Full Recovery Packages over 6 weeks:

*Available for local Residents only

2 full days a week 2,700USD
3 full days a week  3,825USD
4 full days a week 4,800USD


Stand Alone Rates:

1 full day 250USD
3 day package: 700 USD
Meals alone: 40 USD per hour *Groceries not included
Postpartum Abhyanga herbal massage: 150 USD